TRE for Yoga & Pilates
I want to deepen my personal practice
While most of us have been told shakes & tremors during Yoga & Pilates are a sign of weakness, fatigue or lack of control, this natural shaking response is a key part of our body’s innate capacity to release the neuromuscular tension & collapse associated with chronic stress & unresolved trauma.
Offering a unique, bottom-up entry-point to rebalance the nervous system, TRE supports & enhances Yoga & Pilates by deepening embodiment, reawakening dynamic core stability & reorganising our mind & body through the innate organic wisdom of the moving body itself.
Online Self-Guided Learning
Why Yogis & Pilates Students Love TRE
TRE requires almost no mental focus, minimal physical effort & can be used in as little as 5-10 minutes simply lying on the floor or even in bed. It can be used as a stand-alone technique or integrated into existing exercise & recovery routines to support & enhance other approaches such as Yoga, Pilates, sports training & general exercise.
While TRE is body-based, the spontaneous movements have a calming effect on both the body & the mind, helping to reduce anxiety, improve mindfulness & meditation and enhance recovery & sleep. By reinforcing meditative ‘flow states,’ TRE helps improve creativity & performance under pressure and provides a personal practice of self-regulation towards healthy relationships in all aspects of our life.
Benefits of TRE
As TRE invokes the human body’s innate capacity to release stress & reorganise itself towards more optimal & efficient states, the benefits experienced from TRE & the ways it is being applied are as diverse as the individuals using it.
Calming the Mind
By calming the nervous system & releasing the subconscious muscular tension associated with stress & anxiety, TRE naturally helps to calm the mind & reduce hypervigilance. As the movements help generate meditative ‘flow states,’ TRE supports & enhances mindfulness & meditation practices & reinforces the ‘clear-mind’ state required for creativity & peak performance.
Balancing the Body
By releasing tension & rebalancing the neuromuscular system below the level of our conscious awareness or control, TRE supports & enhances consciously directed techniques (such as Yoga, Pilates, stretching, body-based treatments & general exercise) & helps improve posture, reduce pain, prevent injury & optimise movement patterns & dynamic core stability.
Supporting Recovery
By releasing shock & reducing the acute stress response, TRE provides a self-empowering technique to assist recovery from traumatic events such as car accidents, natural disasters, giving birth & loss of a loved one. By addressing the underlying neurobiology of stress & trauma, TRE supports cognitive-based approaches & helps people move through grief.
Building Resilience
By down-regulating the nervous system, switching off hypervigilance & releasing the chronic muscular tension associated with unresolved stress & trauma, TRE provides a simple, fast & effective self-care technique to build ‘neurophysiological resilience’ & coping capacity in the nervous system. As TRE is body-based & bottom-up, it supports & compliments top-down cognitive-based approaches.
Strengthening Self-Regulation
By providing a trauma-informed model of behavior linked to the underlying states of our nervous system, TRE provides a practical tool to regulate our mental health & physical wellbeing, as well as a neurobiological pathway to develop greater capacity for the self-regulation of addictions, anxiety, anger & compulsive behaviours.
Assisting Other Approaches
By invoking the body’s innate capacity to reorganise itself towards more optimal & efficient states below the level of our conscious control, TRE provides an adjunct & complimentary technique to support & enhance other approaches including counselling, cognitive-based therapies, mindfulness, bodywork, rehabilitation programs & self-care practices such as Yoga & Pilates.
Improving Relationships
By providing a trauma-informed model of relational behavior linked to the underlying states of our nervous system, TRE provides a practical technique to help shift our nervous system towards more safe, secure & relational states – not only with respect to others, but also with respect to our body, our life & the world around us.
Optimising Performance
By calming the nervous system, releasing neuromuscular tension, training meditative ‘flow states’ & optimising movement & skills patterns below the level of our conscious awareness, TRE provides a performance-enhancing technique to reduce recovery times, improve performance under pressure, increase creativity & problem-solving, & reinforce the mental & physical states required for peak performance at sport or at work.