Dr Jodi-Anne M Smith

Jodi-Anne is a counsellor helping people to heal from trauma & abuse. She assists clients to find greater peace & happiness through individual appointments, workshops, her books, website & coming soon online courses. She utilises a range of modalities including Counselling, Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), Crystal Light Bed Therapy, Psych-K and Family Constellations in her workshops and her work with clients. Appointments in person or online can be booked at https://www.jodiannemsmith.com/services/appointments/

Jodi-Anne's Insights into Peace and Happiness

Jodi-Anne’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Health), a Post Graduate Diploma in Natural Resource Management, a PhD on obtaining behaviour change for sustainability and a Diploma in Professional Counselling (Abuse). She is a certified practitioner in Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), Crystal Light Bed Therapy, Psych-K, Reiki and Family Constellations.

Description of Services

Jodi-Anne started her career as a sustainability educator focused on obtaining behaviour change, not just raising awareness. Throughout her research, Jodi-Anne became convinced that traditional sustainability education approaches were not going to be sufficient to get large scale behaviour change. To do so we need to help people heal the reason for living unsustainably. We need to help them to heal the hurts and wounds that lead to addictions, overconsumption and living life at a pace beyond which our bodies are designed for. Hence her focus shifted to helping people to heal from trauma and abuse so that they are happier and can live more simply and sustainably.

Jodi-Anne has found TRE to be a powerful and effective modality in helping people to relax, to come out of fight, flight and freeze so that they can feel and release buried emotions, tensions and traumas. It helps the body and nervous system to calm and feel safe so that the old stuck energies can be released.

When the body feels safer the defence mechanisms melt as they are no longer needed. The person is no longer in survival mode and can open up to enjoying life, feeling safe to interact with others and embrace life moving forward into their greater potential. TRE is a gift for all to help them heal, expand and evolve.

TRE gives you a powerful, self-regulation tool that you can utilise in your own home, whenever you want to as a part of your regular self-care processes. It is well worth learning TRE so that you can use it to support yourself and your personal growth for the rest of your life.

Jodi-Anne is the author of two books: ‘The healing journey demystified: achieving sustainability one heart at a time’ and ‘Advice from a higher Source: channelled messages of love and support through life’s challenging moments’. For more information about Jodi-Anne, her services or to book appointments in person or online see https://www.jodiannemsmith.com/

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