
Awakening Through The Body – runs individual sessions, classes and workshops to assist you in coming home to your true nature – one of embodied awakening.
Present – Grounded – Free
Working with the body for whole being transformation.

Awakening Through The Body

TRE® Provider
Spiritual Mentor
Transformational Bodyworker
Healer in the Shamanic Tradition
Kundalini Support

Description of Services

“ Personhood is contraction our true nature – our Buddha nature is expansion.”


Tree of Awakening Through The Body is here to support you to take your own healing journey – to release trauma, contraction and to balance your nervous system.
Tree believes healing trauma can open the way for an embodied awakening and it is from this precept she works. She works with the body releasing past trauma which can cause contraction, tightness, body pains and inhibited breathing patterns.
Anxiety, aggression and depression are all signs of a disregulated nervous system. Being human can be a difficult gig and yet it is possible to release trauma, understand and balance our nervous system and thrive.
The extent of post traumatic growth is profound, life lived from a regulated nervous system is one of inner peace.
Relaxation and aliveness is experienced in the body and the mind naturally calms.
Tree uses techniques that were beneficial in her own healing journey – TRE®, Healing in the Shamanic Tradition, Transformational  Bodywork,  Cherokee Bodywork and Kundalini Support for whole being transformation.
She also runs classes and workshops to assist you in coming home to your true nature – to the SELF.

Contact Information

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