Last night we saw Mitch Owen batting in the holy Grail of high-performance state extreme mental clarity and his body automatically and intuitively responding at its pay.
Part of the reason these performance is so often experienced as a bit of a blue because these are not ultimately not Cognitively driven states as much as cognitively. Place with an open and clear mind that allows the bodies deep skill and wisdom to respond to each moment clouded by the excessive thinking and muscular tension of our conscious mind or ego. Question for those of us working in the field of high-performance and Elite is how can we help people access these flow states more consistently and repeatedly?
One powerful new technique is TRE-because just like a flow state it is not lead or directed by our conscious mind but rather a process now thinking Mind takes a backseat and the process is led by the deeply embedded knowledge, skill and wisdom of our body itself.
Take performance fly states are much less something we consciously create something we consciously allow to arise or fall into similar to the process of falling asleep.
During flow states we fall into a subtle kind of trance, where our training takes over and our mind becomes spacious and clear. We are not in cupboard by thought but liberated by the embedded reactions and skills of highly trade nervous system. If you’re clients or athletes are looking to perform at their bike more consistently and they are not using TRE they are not integrating theory or any other form of spontaneous involuntary movement practices into the routines then there’s more you and they can be doing to help access and train. These people performance flow states on a more regular and repeatable basis.Some more information visit Theresa high-performance at the Australia or learn how to use this simple profound self impairing practice via my online course at the course.com.
When someone has a night out, is on a roll or is in the zone it’s not because of the way they are thinking but because their system has taken over in the moment and is responding and reacting from a deeper place than our thinking mind.
LOL They are breathing, mindset and psychological processes that can help lead us towards the states. They are ultimately not cognitively driven but led by the body or system itself.
This is where Body based practitioners and the deliberate use of spontaneous neurogenic movement offers a unique entry point and a new frontier in supporting Our clients and their community to repeatable regular and repeatable flow states so we can all perform at our best or near it more frequently, not just on the field but in all areas of our life
Question is how do we help our clients and our athletes access flow sites on a more regular and repeatable basis?